Alysrazor down!

We downed the 5th boss of Firelands last night – Alysrazor

Yes, as you can see, she’s a giant flaming bird.  The fight itself isnt difficult – one of those fights that just takes practice.  The fight has four phases that keep repeating until you kill her – one in which she spawns two different types of adds, druids that must be dps’d down and interrupted, and two giant baby birds that must be tanked. These fixate on the closest person when they hatch out of their flaming eggs, so it goes without saying that the tanks must be the ONLY ones near them.  Not only that, they must be periodically be “fed” giant lava bursters (which spew flame that, if more then about one tick is taken, can be deadly), or else they throw tantrums during which their damage is increased significantly.  Luckily, you can sate them even during a tantrum.  If one of the tanks’ adds throw a tantrum they MUST use a big damage reduction cool down and avoid lava bursters’ fire like the plague.  On top of the birds, the tanks (and everyone else, for that matter) must avoid standing in the center of the room during this phase.  Alysrazor periodically flies through, cleaving all targets in front of her (if you are unlucky enough – or stupid enough- to be standing in the center you’ll take heavy damage).  One dps (we used a shadow priest) needs to pick up three feathers (which will hoist you into the air) and dps her.  Oh, and the tanks have to dps down the birds before the next phase otherwise they’ll get rolled by the bird and tornadoes. Also

The next phase is actually pretty simple – it just requires a lot of coordination from all raid members.  Alysrazor lands, spawning a ton of tornadoes, each rotating in a different direction.  YOU MUST AVOID GETTING HIT AT ALL COSTS.  Every time a tornado passes you, turn and follow it.  You should be doing a circle or a zig zag pattern.

After this phase. Alysrazor will fall to the ground, exhaused.  Two druids spawn, which the tanks must interrupt periodically.  Dps burns the boss like hell until she goes into the next phase.

During this phase, Alysrazor will once again be in the air.  Everyone minus the tank currently tanking her (yes, there is tank swapping) needs to stack up behind her (she does a nasty cleave).  Tanks should use a big cool down when they have the bird, otherwise there is a good possibility they will get two shotted. After this phase is over, the entire cycle I just went over will repeat.

As a tank, I found it extremely helpful to have dps trinkets for this fight, since during the first phase killing the birds is completely on the tank.  As a paladin, it was helpful to have 2set in both t12 and t11 equipped due to the damage increases from both.  Also, if you’re having issues getting your add down, have a hunter put his pet on your target – it makes up that extra little bit that you can’t seem to get (yes, personal experience here -once I got rid of my t11 twoset I couldn’t kill the bird on on my own, even with a dps relic and 2 dps trinkets).


This fight, we have confirmed, can be both 2 healed and 9 maned – the attempt in which we actually got her down was both.

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